Wednesday, April 11, 2012

World Horror Crimson Pact Interview


Right after the awesome Mike Mignola, the creator of Hellboy was interviewed, I was interviewed by the Residual Hauntings Revived crew (Russ Cook, Jess the Ghost Girl--who had a broken mic, and Tom Carr). Patrick Tracy was also interviewed with me at the same time, and we had a lot of fun.

Here's the link to the 20 minute podcast interview. You can hear Mike Mignnola right before Pat and I go on. All of the interviews at World Horror are on the same podcast (cut together), which is really long, but you can easily skip around on it.

You can stream the podcast or download it.

To get to the Crimson Pact part, skip to the one hour and forty seven minute mark and 30 seconds, where Pat and I go on.

We discuss lots of stories, including: Don Darling's "The Ronin's Mark" in The Crimson Pact Volume 3, and Don's Volume 4 story, "Ronin's Resolve"; Larry Correia and Steven Diamond's "Son of Fire, Son of Thunder" (Crimson Pact Volume 2); and "That Which We Fear" (Crimson Pact Volume 3), Barbara Webb "Inquest" (Crimson Pact Volume 1) and "St. Petersburg" (Barbara's forthcoming novel featuring a character from "Inquest," and Kelly Swails horror story "The Last Breakfast" featured on the flash fiction website

We also talk about my Iron Dragon Series and my short story, "No-Tusks" set in Shane Moore's Abyss Walker world.

Live shows are tough, and I'm sorry if I offended any of the newer writers out there. It's tough when you're new, especially when your story is compared to established professionals, but you have to start somewhere. I found a lot of great stories by new writers in The Crimson Pact volumes 1 and 2, and am glad I chose them.

Listen at the 1:47 and 30 second mark. Here's the link:

Best wishes and Humble apologies,

Paul Genesse
Editor of The Crimson Pact Volumes 1, 2, 3.

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