Friday, May 13, 2011

Priest Movie Review


Tonight I was able to see an advanced screening of the new movie, Priest. It was an adaptation of a graphic novel and had a comic book feel to it, though the story and dialogue was terribly derivative. It seemed like I'd heard every line before. The actors did what they could with the material they had and I'm sure they were doing exactly what the director told them to do. A friend thought the Priests were very like Jedi and I agree. I found a review (by Xamtaro) says everything I would have written and more.

Check this link for all the details about the movie:

Paul Genesse
Editor of The Crimson Pact

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Interview with Author Justin Swapp

Here's a great interview with Justin Swapp, one of my authors in The Crimson Pact Volume 1. He's interviewed by another Crimson Pact author, Chante McCoy.

Best wishes and don't forget, the deadline for a flash story for Volume 2 is June 6, 2011.

Happy writing,

Paul Genesse
Editor of The Crimson Pact

"The 20 Most Important Russian Reads"

"The 20 Most Important Russian Reads"

I found this article on the most important books written by Russians and wanted to post it. Check out the link and the article here:

My buddy, Patrick Tracy says that One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich, by Alexander Solzhenitsyn is incredible.

Paul Genesse
Editor of The Crimson Pact